Wholesale Marshmallow herb from American Bulk Herbs
American Bulk Herbs is a leading U.S.supplier for choice wholesale marshmallow leaf & root, mint, spearmint, peppermint, damiana, mullein and catnip leaf.

Marshmallow leaf cut and sifted (c/s)
Sample current stock lot of marshmallow leaf c/s (mouseover for larger image)

American Bulk Herbs Marshmallow leaf cut and sifted c/s
Marshmallow leaf c/s
American Bulk Herbs Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted c/s
Marshmallow leaf c/s
American Bulk Herbs Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted c/s

  Marshmallow leaf ships in 20/25lb/50lb cartons  

Typical marshmallow leaf lot characteristics:
Characteristic aroma, clean, deep rich color. EXTRA FINE CUT.

American Bulk Herbs Marshmallow leaf cut and sifted c/s
Marshmallow leaf c/s
American Bulk Herbs Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted c/s
Marshmallow leaf c/s
American Bulk Herbs Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted c/s

  Marshmallow leaf ships in 20/25lb cartons  

Typical marshmallow leaf lot characteristics:
Characteristic aroma, light rich color.
product lot includes stems.

Organic Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted (c/s)
Sample current stock lot of marshmallow leaf c/s (mouseover for larger image)

American Bulk Herbs Organic Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted c/s
Organic Marshmallow leaf c/s
American Bulk Herbs Organic Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted c/s
Organic Marshmallow leaf c/s
American Bulk Herbs Organic Marshmallow leaf  cut and sifted c/s

  Organic Marshmallow leaf ships in 25lb cartons  

Typical marshmallow leaf lot characteristics:
AM -8036MRHC:
Characteristic aroma, clean, rich color, fine cut, USA harvest.

Marshmallow leaf powder available.
Marshmallow root c/s and powder available.

More products of interest:

USA Spearmint cut and sifted
Sample current stock lot of USA Spearmint (mouseover for larger image)

American Bulk Herbs USA Speamint Cut and Sift
USA Speamint
American Bulk Herbs USA Speamint Cut and Sift
USA Speamint

 USA Spearmint  ships in 20/25lb cartons  

Typical USA spearmint lot characteristics:
AM -SMCSAT12-10: 
Clean strong aroma, rich color, authentic flavor.  

Order USA spearmint online now! / http://bulkherbsusa.com/hps-zenglish.html

Try other products from American Bulk Herbs

Order catnip online now! / http://bulkherbsusa.com/hpc-denglish.html

Order coltsfoot online now! / http://bulkherbsusa.com/hpc-denglish.html

Order damiana online now! / http://bulkherbsusa.com/hpc-denglish.html

Order mugwort online now! / http://bulkherbsusa.com/hph-menglish.html

Order mullein online now! / http://bulkherbsusa.com/hph-menglish.html

Order scullcap online now! / http://bulkherbsusa.com/hps-zenglish.html

Orders over 100lb please email:  info@bulkherbsusa.com or call  M-F 9am-5pm PST 916-230-2498

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